Off Grid / Stand Alone Systems
In this modern world, there are still 2 billion people living without electricity grid worldwide. We have developed a special range of Solar Home Systems for these people, especially those living in Asia, Latin America and Africa.
Our system packages are designed for the budget conscious and serve their intended purposes only, no extra frills.
The expected lifetime of quality solar panels is over 20 years. By using a suitable solar power system, free energy will be supplied for long time.
Ideal for rural electrification & for remote locations where no utility grid is present.
Solar Power Systems
Item# Small Home System (SHS) Series
Product Specifications
Model |
Mini home system
Functions |
Complete light set
charged by solar panel with 6V
battery, cable &
control box
End Users |
Rural households
Illustrations |
Electric Lamp set
Complete portable
electric lamp charged by
solar panel with
6V battery & cable
Rural households Camping
Back-up lighting
Basic home system
Complete light set
charged by solar panel
with 12V battery,
control box & cable
Rural households
Rural shops Back-up lighting
Standard home system
Complete system
to power 2
light and
connection for B/W TV
or radio, with 12V
battery, cable,
control box
Rural households
Rural shops
Comfort home system
Complete system
to power 2
light and
connection for B/W TV
or radio, with 12V
battery, cable,
control box
Rural households
Rural shops
Community centres
Luxury Home System
complete system
to power 2
lights, B/W TV,
radio, fan.
Rural households
Rural shops
Community centres
*Other custom packages are available upon request.