Solar Solutions for Rural Development
Solar electricity is an active tool in a rural area development programme. The local economy is not encumbered by the need for expensive, imported fuels. See how we can provide solar solutions that uses free energy from the sun.

Solar electricity is an active tool in a rural area development programme. Small Home System (SHS) system can light up a house in a village, operate radio equipment, provide refrigeration, and pump water. The possibilities are endless.
Solar electricity may be regarded as an active tool in the realisation of a rural area development programme. A great benefit of solar electricity is that the fuel – daylight – is free energy, thus making it cost-effective. Solar electricity is also clean, no smell or no noise generating. The local economy is not encumbered by the need for expensive, imported fuels. So if you have a project we can help you to achieve better results with the use of solar electricity.
Here are some common uses for solar in rural areas:
- Health Centres and Clinics
- Emergency Needs and Refugee Camps
- Water Pumping
- Schools
- Community Houses
- Staff Houses
- Shops and Small Businesses
- Battery Charging Stations
- Satellite Stations
- Solar Home Systems
Kamtex has provideded SHS systems to countries in Southest Asia, Africa and Polynesia.
We are also the sole distributor of SHARP Small Home Systems. These complete systems are backed by a global brand recognised for quality and reliability. A SHARP Small Home System integrates DC and AC into a complete unit for easy installation and usage.
We are also willing to work with non-profit organisations to supply custom maded solar systems for their rural development projects in Asia or Africa.
Check out our Kamtex Solar SHS or SHARP Small Home Systems. For enquires, please contact us!